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收費及開診時間  Charges and Services Time

我們收費透明, 每位中醫師的診金或有不同, 敬請留意.

​如需配藥服務, 三天以上的中藥夥粒配藥, 可以免運費安排順豐派送, 一般1-2天工作天送到香港任何地區.

Our fees are transparent. The consultation fees of each Chinese medicine practitioner may be different, so please pay attention.

​If you need medication dispensing service, you can arrange SF Express for free delivery of Chinese medicine capsules for more than three days. It usually takes 1-2 working days to deliver to any area in Hong Kong.

星期一,二,四,五: 上午09時30分至下午7時
​星期日及假期: 休息

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: : 0930AM TO 0700PM
Wednesday: 1030AM  TO 4:00 pm
​Saturday: 9:30 am to 4:00 pm
Sundays and holidays: Closed

診金: $120 - $250  (*每位醫師收費各有不同, 歡迎查詢)
藥費: $110 (濃縮中藥沖劑)  / $160 (傳統草藥 連代煎) 
特別藥材附加費: $10-$80 / 天 *視藥材而定

針灸: $280-400 / 節 (30-45分鐘) (*每位醫師收費各有不同, 歡迎查詢)
拔罐: $280/ 節 (30分鐘) (*每位醫師收費各有不同, 歡迎查詢)
面部調整針灸: $800 / 節 (45-60分鐘)
頭部叩刺: $200 
頭針: $280-$400/ 節 (30-45分鐘) 
(*每位醫師收費各有不同, 歡迎查詢)
痛症治療: $200  / 節  (30-45分鐘)  (中頻干擾儀+超聲波治療) 
天灸貼藥: $150-200 / 貼  
(*每位醫師收費各有不同, 歡迎查詢)

Consultation fee: $120 - $250 (*Each doctor charges different rates, please inquire)
Medication fee: $110 (concentrated Chinese medicine granules) / $160 (traditional herbal decoction)
Special medicinal materials surcharge: $10-$80/day *depends on the medicinal materials
Acupuncture: $280-400/session (30-45 minutes) (*Each doctor charges different prices, please inquire)
Cupping: $280/session (30 minutes) (*Each doctor charges different rates, please inquire)
Facial adjustment acupuncture: $800/session (45-60 minutes)
Head Tapping: $200
Scalp acupuncture: $280-$400/session (30-45 minutes) (*Each doctor charges different prices, please inquire)
Pain treatment: $200 / session (30-45 minutes) (medium frequency interferometer + ultrasonic treatment)
Tianmoxibustion patch: $150-200 / patch (*Each doctor charges different prices, please inquire)

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