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提供全面的中醫診所專科服務,針對不同病科問題,除由豐富臨床經驗的中醫師提供中醫診療服務外, 不久將來亦會加入物理治療師, 營養顧問, 伸展運動教練等專才, 以確保患者得到最有效及全面的診斷及治療,對症用藥,對症治療,為我們診所的服務精神。

Provide comprehensive specialist services in traditional Chinese medicine clinics. In addition to providing traditional Chinese medicine diagnosis and treatment services by Chinese medicine practitioners with rich clinical experience, we will also add physiotherapists, nutritional consultants, stretching coaches and other professionals in the near future to ensure that patients Obtaining the most effective and comprehensive diagnosis and treatment, symptomatic medication, and symptomatic treatment are the service spirit of our clinic.

​中醫門診  ​TCM Clinic (General Practice)

由香港註冊中醫師主理診療服務, 中醫包括全科, 皮膚, 痛症.

提供濃縮沖劑或草藥(包代煎) 的中藥配藥服務.

​現代化中醫管理系統取替人手書寫, 紀錄完善, 保密效果亦好.

Diagnosis and treatment services are provided by registered Chinese medicine practitioners in Hong Kong. Chinese medicine includes general medicine, dermatology, and pain.

Provide traditional Chinese medicine dispensing services of concentrated granules or herbal medicines (baodaijian).

​The modern Chinese medicine management system replaces manual writing, with complete records and good confidentiality.

​婦科與不孕 Gynecology and infertility

由中醫婦科博士主理, 超過10年以上婿科病及不孕不育症的治療經驗.

針對不同個案, 有時或要配合針灸.

​求診者如有相關的醫學報告或病歷, 應一併帶同來診所求診.

​Headed by a doctor of gynecology in traditional Chinese medicine, with more than 10 years of experience in treating uterine diseases and infertility.

Depending on the individual case, acupuncture may sometimes be used.

​If the patient has relevant medical reports or medical records, he should bring them with him to the clinic for consultation.

痛症治療  pain treatment

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睡眠管理  sleep management


中醫診症, 按診開藥 或按情況建議加入針灸治療.

​參加者可選中藥及針灸療程 或純針灸療程 , 一般如可接受針灸, 配合針灸,效果更佳(一星期針灸2次).

體重管理  weight management

過重或過輕的治療個案, 我們已有超過十年以上的實際經驗, 參加者可選中藥及針灸療程(減重 ,一星期5天中藥加針灸2-3次)) 或純針灸療程(減重, 一星期針灸2-3次).

而需要改善體重過輕問題, 建議以服用中藥(一星期5-6天中藥) 為主.

診所會提身體組成評估 (bmi, 脂肪, 水份, 體重,) , 運動建議 , 營養顧問建議餐單, 令效果更佳.

中醫視像診症服務 (只限香港)

Traditional Chinese Medicine Video Consultation Service ( HONG KONG only)

​疫情過後, 我們仍提供視像應診服務及送藥安排. 只須使用whatsapp 通訊軟件. 所有藥物(附處方及收據) 送藥可選用即日速遞(即日, 運費由客人自付) 或 順豐送遞 (翌日, 運費由診所支付) 方式。


we will still provide video consultation services and medicine delivery arrangements. Just use the WhatsApp communication software. All medicines (with prescriptions and receipts) can be delivered by same-day express delivery (same day, freight is paid by the customer) or SF Express (The shipping fee will be paid by the clinic the next day).

You can also have pick it up at the clinic. Make an appointment, please contact us via WHATSAPP: 97164997

皮膚 . 濕疹  Skin . Eczema .

皮膚問題包括:癮診, 暗瘡, 皮炎, 蛇串瘡等.  治療皮膚或濕疹問題, 除按時食藥覆診外, 生活習慣要一併配合, 我們會按每位病者的情況提供一份建議及食物戒口表予參考.

另外, 治療期多數要2-4個月, 還要視實際皮膚情況而定, 所以恆心治療都是十分重要的.

​Skin problems include: addiction, acne, dermatitis, eczema, etc. To treat skin or eczema problems, in addition to regular medication review, the living habits must also be coordinated. We will provide a copy according to each patient's situation. Suggestions and food restriction lists are provided for reference.

In addition, the treatment period usually takes 2-4 months, and it depends on the actual skin condition, so it is very important to persevere in treatment.

 運動治療及伸展復康 Exercise therapy and stretching rehabilitation

由專業伸展及運動教練, 以1對1形式提供復康運動, 以便病人回家亦可以做到.

​配合有效的簡單運動, 令治療效果更佳.


Treatment and management of three highs ((hypertension, hyperglycemia, high cholesterol)


中醫診症, 按診開藥


設計個人健康管理包, 提供:自我管理方案讓病人日後可自行管理自己身體..

面癱治療 Facial nerve paralysis 


面癱治療最重要是治療黃金期, 不可拖延.

中醫診症, 按診開藥, 加入針灸治療效果加倍.所以鼓勵患者一併做針灸

​ 配合針灸,效果更佳(一星期針灸3次, 大約維持2個月治療,).

​由於每個病患及個案各有不同, 以上內容僅供參考, 一切治療方案以求診者進行診斷後由主診決定為實.

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